Management Services and About Us

Learn about Edisto Beach Vacation Rentals, LLC

Our management, history, philosophy and services. 


Edisto Beach Vacation Rentals, LLC was established in 2014 as a rental management company dealing with vacation rentals on and around Edisto Island and Edisto Beach South Carolina.   

Our intention is to keep this company a small family run business with emphasis on providing our home owners the maximum income that can be generated on their particular home.  We will only take on a select number of homes and do have room for a few more homes at this time.   We don't operate like the other management companies do in our area and that is what makes us the go to company for managing your vacation rental.   Deliberately Small and Extremely Selective is our motto because by keeping our business small it allows us to concentrate on our owners particular homes and give them the opportunity for maximizing their income.  All the other companies operate on the numbers plan, meaning they will take on as many homes as possible period. The more homes that can get the more money they make. There is nothing wrong with that as that's the way the vast majority of management companies operate.   It's just not possible when a company has hundreds of properties to ensure that each one is concentrated on to maximize it's full rental potential therefore we have always been able to increase the income on all the homes we have taken over from other companies.   We get paid by the commission we earn and don't hit our renters with an additional "booking fee" on top of all the other costs.   This allows us to provide rentals to the public that when compared to another like home with other companies are cheaper for the renter while maximizing the income for our home owners.  If you would like to talk with us about managing your home please email us at or call at 843-868-1458.  

We conduct our business via the internet and do not take phone call reservations over the phone or quote them over the phone in accordance with the Federal Uniform Electronic Act which was passed in the year 2000 mandating electronic transactions conducted in this manner as legal transaction.   This eliminates any "but I thought you said" problems as everything is right there for all parties to see.  And our clients love it because it is so easy!   If you need to contact us feel free to call 843-868-1458 (9-5), email or you can chat with us directly on the home page of this website (24/7). 

Why let Edisto Beach Vacation Rentals, LLC manage your home:

#1.  We have A LOT of experience with vacation rentals.  We started renting out our first vacation rental in 1995 right here on Edisto Beach.   We went on to own over 12 of our own vacation rentals in SC and from the mountains to the NC shore and on lakes in between!   

#2.  We understand how owners can get frustrated with their current management company as in early 1995 while still living in Atlanta, we placed our newly purchased beach front home with another company.   We felt like we were just another one of the homes that they had accumulated and no one was trying to rent our home out specifically.  We also felt like we were getting nickel and dimed to death due to that company marking up on top any invoice for any work or item purchased for us.  We do not do that to our owners!  We don't ever put an extra fee on top of any service we have performed on your home.   

#3   Because we are a small company we are able to focus on our home individually to get them more income.   On average we have been able to increase rental income from homes we have taken over that other companies had by more than 15%.  On some it has been much higher than that!  One home on the island the company that had the house before it was sold told the new owner not matter what he did they could not get gross him over $120k in a year.   We took that home over after the first of the year and we grossed that owner over $150k the first year and now that same house this year has grossed over $290k! 

#4  We have had the same main cleaning crew for over 5 years now and that means they know each house and can tell when something might be a little off.  Guests will sometimes move things around and our cleaning crew and inspector, who goes in to inspect after every clean, tend to notice when things are not exactly right.  

#5   We have a very good group of contractors to take care of any problem that could arise at your home and get it corrected as fast as possible so you don't lose out on any rental income.  Nothing is worse than having the a/c go out during high season and if we didn't have a good hvac contractor to respond quickly that could mean a large loss of income for you.   If an hvac problem cannot fixed that day then, if your window are the correct style, have window units we install temporarily to keep our guests comfortable and you keep your income!   Remember we don't add any kind of fee on top of what the contractor charges to repair/replace items that need to be addressed to keep your rental home in shape!   We pay the bill for you and then get reimbursed at the end of that month's rental period. 

#6   We have a dedicated phone line that is monitored 24/7 should any emergency arise.   We also have a 24/7 chat service via our website so guests can contact us and get answers.   Our website also has book now capability so guests can make reservations 24/7.   

#7   We screen our renters and have a minimum rental age of 25...we are especially vigilant during spring break to weed out any kind of house party to keep your property safe!

If you are interested in having us consider managing your home just give us a call at 843-868-1458 or email us at  We are committed to staying small so at some point soon we will stop taking on new homes to manage. 


Here is our specific background information: 

Richard and Mary Howse are the owners and both have been in real estate a long time (to put it lightly)!  Mary started her real estate career in 1982 and Richard in 1984 and both have extensive experience in all aspects of residential real estate from listing property to building homes.  They began managing their own vacation rentals in 1995 on Edisto Beach and upon seeing their success their friends and family started asking them to please take on their vacation rental homes also.  They agreed to take on a select few and Edisto Beach Vacation Rentals, LLC was born in April of 2014 with the company focus being Deliberately Small and Extremely Selective.  The company remains committed to that goal! 

Mary was raised on Edisto Beach; her father was the first building inspector and her mother was the first female to be elected to Town Council.   Richard is a native of Atlanta, Ga. where he began investing in real estate, became a Broker in Charge and owned a real estate company at the age of 20 while also specializing in commercial real estate with clients such as Concept Interstate Real Estate Services, Palisades Properties, Aronov Group, Amaco Oil & JDN Enterprises to name a few.  He hired Mary to sell a subdivision his company had developed and one thing led to another! 

Mary brought him home to Edisto for the first time in 1993 and being raised in Atlanta, he could not believe a beach as special as Edisto existed!  He fell in love with it and they purchased their oceanfront home on Edisto in 1995; he is now a local! Their Head of Accounting, Beth Bost brings her expertise in accounting to the company and Brittany Reed is a Reservation Manager and Head of Concierge Services. 


Below is the proof of our company's status of Vacation Rental Manager of Vacation Rentals with the SC Secretary of State of South Carolina 


 Click HERE for some homeowner testimonials!